Monday, April 8, 2019

A momentous occasion! A new record for the rhymeswithplague household!

That's right! Hear ye! Hear ye!

Hodie Christus natus est and all his friends were finally packed up and put away for another year.

Wait, I'm not telling the actual truth. It was not hodie (today), it was yesterday, April 7th. I know, I know, it's unheard of but it simply couldn't be helped, because, well, er, uh, I have no excuse.

Hello, my name is Bob and I'm a procrastinator.

One year we didn't bid the holy family adieu until March 16th, the day before St. Patrick's Day. One year it happened on George Washington's birthday (Feb. 22nd) and I blogged about it and my procrastinating tendencies here.

But this year takes the all-time cake. April 7th. Hard to believe, but true. Not only are St. Patrick's Day and even April Fools Day long gone, the March Madness that is the National Collegiate Athletic Association's annual basketball tournament ends tonight. The Sweet Sixteen, Elite Eight, and Final Four are all memories. The championship game will be played in Minneapolis tonight between somebody other than Duke and somebody other than Georgia Tech, therefore I don't really care who they are.

In other news, Starshine Twinkletoes has published a post about her camellia bush and her new chandelier, and when I happened to mention Crystal Shanda Lear, the daughter of the founder of the Learjet Corporation, she laughed in my face with a "You're pulling my leg! Hahahahaha! Nicely done, mind." It cut me to the quick, and it really hurts to go through life with a cut quick.

For those who still doubt, here's incontrovertible proof.


  1. Spme of the names parents bestow/inflict on their offspring constitute child abuse.
    Procrastination lives in this house too. He/she has a permanent room.

    1. Elephant's Child, I can't remember my parents ever calling me a procrastinator. I came to the realisation all by myself later on.

  2. I'm sure your quick will heal quickly. Why don't you just leave holy family out all year? It's very attraxtive.

    1. Emma, it doesn't matter how attraxtive it is, there comes a time when visitors just wear out their welcome.

  3. Why bother putting the nativity models away? It will be Christmas soon.

  4. If you made a little shrine with the nativity scene and a crucifix you would have the decor done for the major holydays and the time savings could be put to good use....genuflecting, say. Or dusting or making models of saints

    1. kylie, it is difficult to understand you with your tongue planted so firmly in your cheek. What I'm trying to say is I understand the words, but the message is definitely between the lines.

    2. Between the lines it says: putting decorations away bores me to tears and I would find any excuse not to

    3. Ah. I thought you were maybe saying that certain religious activities such as genuflecting or making models of saints have little or no value. and with that sentiment I would agree. I also agree with what you said you really meant.


<b>A whole lot of nothing sets one to thinking</b>

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