Monday, September 28, 2020

They say that 13 is unlucky

...(whoever "they" are) and today is the 13th anniversary of this blog. So far, knock on wood, cross your fingers (I'm joking), nothing bad has happened to me. On a historical note, five stents were inserted into my coronary arteries in 2017, but I consuder that to have been a good thing.

If my blog were a person, puberty would be right around the corner. If my blog were Jewish, it could have a Bar Mitzvah.

Speaking of 13, many tall buildings, especially hotels, do not have a 13th floor, except actually they do but it is called the 14th floor.

Denial is not a river in Egypt.

I could call this my blog's 14th anniversary all day long but the truth would be as plain as the nose on your face, especially if your name is Pinocchio: it's my blog's 13th anniversary.

Do the math: 2020 minus 2007 is not 12 and it's not 14. It's 13.

Happy 13th birthday, llttle blog.

As luck would have it, this also happens to be my 100th post of 2020.

On such a momentous occasion, cards and comments are nice, but money is even better.

If you think I'm being serious, you must be new around here.

And if the next 13 years go by as fast as the last 13, I'll be 92 very soon.


  1. Congratulations....won’t be long before you’ll have grown into your voice:)

    1. Thank you, Cathy! My blog will have to be in its thirties or forties before it grows into my voice. I was a late bloomer.

      I enjoyed reading some of your recent posts just now. I think you should write a novel, either mystery or torrid romance (or perhaps a bit of both), and call it The Foothills of The Dandenongs.

  2. Congratulations on blogging for thirteen. years, There's lots of superstition on 13. I don't know why. Now I'm going to have to look it up.

    1. Thank you, Red! I could tell you why but I think it’s better to look things up yourself.

  3. Replies
    1. Emma, Thank you for your very generous virtual gift! It has been deposited into my virtual retirement account so that my golden years will now be very pleasant indeed.

  4. Happy Blog Anniversary! Well done!

    I've always wondered why people that are too superstitious to stay on the 13th floor of a hotel would be willing to stay on the 14th floor since it is actually the 13th floor. Are they just superstitious of the name or maybe they don't stay on the 14th floor either. Hmmm...

    1. Bonnie, I think it is a case of out of sight, out of mind. If the hotel desk clerk says their room is on the 14th floor, then the 14th floor is where it is. Another way of putting it is don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up. Or as P.T. Barnum said, “There’s one born every minute.”

  5. Congratulations on your blog's 13th birthday and on your 100th post this year.
    Looking forward to many more years of posts.

  6. Thanks, Kathy, I appreciate having you as a reader.

  7. I missed my Blog's thirteenth birthday in June. How silly of me. Mind you as I'd never have managed such a witty essay I don't suppose that my omission is a great loss to Blogland. Go well for the next thirteen.

  8. Graham, you are very kind to call my post witty. As for your missing your Blog’s thirteenth birthday, I’m sure it will forgive you because the pandemic that was foremost on everyone’s mind at the time took precedence over everything else. Neither do I condemn thee. Go and sin no more.

  9. Replies
    1. Pam, someone once said, “If you can keep your head about you when all around you are losing theirs, you obviously don’t understand the gravity of the situation.”

  10. Hmmm. That wasn't my comment at all...??? I must be worse at this computer stuff than I previously thought!

  11. Sorry, Pam, it was probably me misinterpreting what you meant. Just so I know, what was it that you meant?

    1. Gee, I don't even know what I wrote, but that wasn't it, lol. No matter! Maybe I dreamt it, lol! Have a great day!!!

  12. Last night I drank three pints of Tetley's bitter to celebrate, rather belatedly, the thirteenth birthday of "Rhymes With Plague". It has been good to have accompanied you through several years of this long and fruitful journey. Here's to the next thirteen years. Cheers!


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