Thursday, September 24, 2020

What happened to rhymeswithplague?

I'll tell you what happened to rhymeswithplague. No one is in a better position to know. I'll tell you exactly what happened to rhymeswithplague.

Nothing, that's what.

But I have been incommunicado blogwise for the past 10 days because we get internet access through our landline telephone provider and we have had no dial tone for that period of time. We still don't, and the modem for my desktop computer is receiving no wi-fi signal through the phone jack so I am stuck.

And since my handy-dandy iPhone from the Apple Corporation depends (or so I mistakenly thought) on my home's wi-fi connection to access the internet as well, my blogging has been at a standstill.

Until my firstborn told me today to turn off the wi-fi in Settings in my iPhone and let Apple use Data mode instead.

He is brilliant.

I am not.


  1. Our offspring are wonderful! Good to see you back.

    1. Bonnie, thanks for welcoming me back. And yes, our offspring are indeed wonderful!

  2. Young people seem to have this in their DNA.

  3. Hahahaha, the benefits of having offspring. They'll take care of us when we are feeble (hopefully) and they'll keep us up to date on the latest until it is our grandchildren that up the mantle.

    1. Linda, I hope you are right! And I also hope you are not in a part of California affected by the forest fires.

  4. I sometimes wonder how long it will be before the landline providers mess us about and rip us off so much we decide not to bother with them at all.

    1. Tasker, I reported no dial tone on Sep. 15th and they are saying it will be restored on Oct. 5th. This does not begin to seem reasonable to me but I am at their mercy. My friend from India who lives nearby tells me it is because we have copper wire and not fiber optics so our area is low on the company’s priority list.

  5. I hope your communications issues are resolved soon.

    1. Emma, so do I but I’m not holding my breath (see my reply to Tasker Dunham above).

  6. Thanks for the update! Glad you are ok!
    Sending thanks to your firstborn for getting you back to blogland. Hope you are able to get your landline fixed.

    1. Kathy, getting back to Blogland is keeping me sane while I wait for Godot, I mean the telephone company.

  7. You may not be brilliant with regard to modern phone and internet technology but you are brilliant in other ways Bob. I hope that your landline situation is resolved sooner rather than later.

    1. Neil, sometimes you say the kindest things. Not very often, of course, but I want you to know that your good wishes are definitely appreciated.

  8. Woo hoo! Glad you're back! I believe the Internet was invented solely to test our patience....How's that working for you, lol? (Why is solely spelled like that???)

  9. Pam, it’s much harder to write a post or reply to a comment on an iPhone than on a computer keyboard, but I’m managing. (How else would you spell solely?)

  10. I've been away too. Different reasons. Good for your firstborn. I've still got an old post of yours to catch up on. It might be some time.

  11. Graham, I’m tempted to say “I have all the time in the world” but we both know that isn’t so.


<b>A whole lot of nothing sets one to thinking</b>

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