Saturday, April 3, 2021

Easter season in Out-Of-Tune-Piano Land

Last year, when the whole world was out of tune because of something called the COVID-19 pandemic, I made two little videos, one on Good Friday and one on Easter, of myself playing my out-of-tune piano.

On Good Friday, I played an arrangement by Tedd Smith (he was Billy Graham's pianist for many years) of the hymn "Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee" (the words of the hymn are attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux). On Easter Sunday, I played "Resurrection Medley", an arrangement by Mark Hayes that is a combination of three Easter songs, two of which are fairly well-known and a third one not as well-known:

"Low In The Grave He Lay" (also known as "Christ Arose")
"Christ The Lord Is Risen Today" by Charles Wesley
"Rise Again" by Dallas Holm

I put them on my Facebook page at the time but did not put them in this blog. Since Easter has rolled around again and our world is possibly more out of tune than ever (some things are worse than a pandemic), this year I want to share them with you.

Even in an out-of-tune world, on an out-of-tune piano, one can still make music.

Update. I have been trying for several hours now to move the two videos from my iPhone photo archive into either a text message or an e-mail so that I can download them to my desktop computer and then upload them into blogger, BUT SO FAR I HAVE HAD NO SUCCESS WHATSOEVER AND I AM FRUSTRATED AND YES, I MAY EVEN BE SHOUTING. You'll just have to imagine them until yours truly becomes more proficient in what should be the most basic of technical tasks.

More proficient, forsooth. It is to laugh.


Apparently the piano isn't the only thing that's out of tune.


  1. I will imagine those songs beautifully played on piano by you! Thank you and may you and Ellie have a happy and blessed Easter!

  2. Bonnie, thank you, Bonnie! Where there’s a will, there’s a way. We hope you and Tom have a happy and blessed Easter as well!

  3. I adopted a very low tech approach. I listened to your playing through three boiled eggs which I had for breakfast (small ones from my neighbour's hens). I then say transfixed by the beauty of the 2nd Movement of Mendelssohn's Trio in D Minor. Heifetz and Rubinstein were/are two of my musical idols. I think that today (which is definitely a non-gardening weather day) will see me playing a lot of my CDs which feature their playing. Thank you. Oh. The low tech approach? As you will have guessed (but others might not) I simply joined your Facebook page.

    1. Graham, you were innovative and so can attest to how out of tune my piano really is! And special kudos to you for finding me among the other Bob Bragues on Facebook. I suppose Canton, Georgia, was the giveaway.

  4. Emma, thank you! (I thought so, too.)


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