Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Meanwhile, in Texas...

...it's bluebonnet time!
That is my sole surviving stepbrother, Bob Houston, who turned 84 in January, sitting in a field of bluebonnets this week near Ennis, Texas.

The photo was taken by Bob's lovely wife, Linda. I do not know and cannot explain why Linda was not the one sitting in the field and Bob was not the one taking the photograph. Life is strange in many places, but never stranger than in Texas.

The bluebonnet, which is the state flower of Texas, blooms in March and April each year.


  1. The odd thing is that I thought the yellow rose was the state flower for Texas.

    1. Emma, the yellow rose song, which dates all the way back to before the Civil War (with startlingly different words) was about a woman, not about a flower. The Texas State Legislature made the bluebonnet the official state flower in 1901 according to what I have read.

  2. I once saw a a photograph of bluebonnets in double page spread in an American magazine. Superb.
    I visited Texas to see the blubonnets and it was a bad year, hardly a bluebonnet to be seen in Mar/April.
    Never mind, many other wonderful things to see at Big Bend NP.

    1. Alphie Soup, if there was hardly a bluebonnet to be seen, it was a year Texans would rather forget. Glad you enjoyed Big Bend. I’ve never been that far west in Texas but I have seen photographs.

  3. That is a wonderful picture. Maybe he did take a picture of his wife among the flowers but sent this one to you!

  4. Blue Bonnets are a mystery to me, in the far away UK, only bluebells come to mind instead. A few leaves are sprouting outside my front door, but no buds could brave the chill as yet. I shall live in hopes! lol
    Meantime, I shall ask my grey cells to comply with your suggestion...
    I don't think they are listening so far. :-)

    1. Jinksy, bluebonnets are nothing like bluebells. I checked your blog and was happy to see that your grey cells came through!

  5. The flowers are a beautiful colour, I imagine a field full of them would be just a carpet of purple/blue. Lovely.
    Do you see or hear from your brother a whole lot?

    1. kylie, we talk every month or so by phone but it has been four or five years now since we were in each other’s presence face to face. You don’t have to imagine a field of bluebonnets; I just showed you one!

  6. Perhaps your stepbrother is considering a new career - modelling clothes for a style magazine aimed at the older gentleman. There might be an opportunity for the younger Bob in the swimming costume section.

  7. Neil, I’m trying to decide whether you are devilishly clever or just devilish.

  8. I have never seen a field of bluebonnets before, so thank you for sharing the picture.

    1. Kathy, you are so welcome! Texans think everyone should see and love bluebonnets.


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