Tuesday, August 6, 2024

If a body meet a body comin' through the rye

I don't know whether you have noticed, but I am a sucker for an avid consumer of demographic information. I don't know why. I just am.

Here are some figures you may find startling. Perhaps you were already aware of them. The table below shows the population of the world by continent in 2024 as well as each continent's population density per square kilometer and per square mile:

Population By Continent 2024
Rank Continent Population
1 Asia 4,927,748,740
2 Africa 1,494,988,668
3 Europe ...741,252,853
4 North America ...608,132,768
5 South America ...442,860,821
6 Australia/Oceania .....46,109,212

These figures are, of course, an estimate, a snapshot at a moment in time (who knows when?) based on birth rates, death rates, immigration data, emigration data, and (as Andy Griffith might say) I don't know what all. But using them I can tell you that Asia is home to 61.056% of the people in the world, Africa is home to 18.68%, Europe is home to 9.26%, North America is home to 7.6%, South America is home to 5.5%, and Australia/Oceania is home to 0.58% of the people in the world. Or were at the time these figures were, er, figured.

I don't have a clue as to what it all means or what it all bodes, but I do remember a mid-20th-century saying that has been attributed variously to General Bernard Montgomery (UK), General Dwight Eisenhower (USA), and General Douglas MacArthur (USA): "Never fight a land war in Asia."

Based on the table above, I would call that very good advice indeed, or even a word to the wise, which, as we all know, is sufficient.

P.S. - Today is the 79th anniversary of the dropping of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, in 1945 that killed an estimated 160,000 human beings. Three days later a second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, killing 80,000 more human beings. World War II ended a few days later.


  1. The atomic bombs, terrible though they were, shortened the war and 'saved' many more thousands of lives. Most soldiers would agree with the advice on avoiding a land war in Asia - it's a pity the politicians didn't listen!

    1. It's a case of 'live and don't learn'. Thank you, Janice.

  2. Replies
    1. The only thing I have ever associated August 6th with until this year was the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan. This year that all changed when our third great-grandson was born on August 6th, fully two weeks before his due date (they said) but he weighed 6 lbs, 9.5 oz. so maybe their calculation was wrong. I'm glad I'll have a happier event to associate the date with from now on. Thank you, Emma.

  3. "Never fight a war" would have been better but probably a bit too generalised.

    1. To never fight a war requires both sides to lay down their arms. Current case in point: Israel vs. Hamas. It has been said that if Hamas laid down their weapons there would be no more war; if Israel laid down their weapons there would be no more Israel. But I hear you loud and clear. Thank you, kylie.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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