Thursday, December 26, 2024

Christmas songs I wish had never been written

...include, in no particular order:

"Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer"
"I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas"
"Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer"
"All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth"
"Little Drummer Boy"
"Frosty The Snowman"
"Jingle Bell Rock"

Mrs. RWP's least-favorite song of the Christmas season is "I'll Be Home For Christmas" as she finds the last line ("if only in my dreams") very sad. For many people, this is definitely not the most wonderful time of the year.

In the UK, today is Boxing Day. In liturgical church circles it is also St. Stephen's Day, which should have us all hummng "Good King Wenceslas looked out on the Feast of Stephen...".

This year our family get-together during the holidays will not occur until December 29th. I'm looking forward to it immensely and keep telling myself the important thing is that we are getting together, not when we are getting together. All but one of our clan can make it on that day. One of our granddaughters-in-law, a nurse, has to work at the hospital that day. She will be missed. The other 21 members of our clan should be there though, including the latest additions, our three great-grandsons (4 months, 10 months, and 17 months).

I wish Christmas could last all year long, especially the "peace on earth, good will to men" part. I am suddenly reminded that in C.S. Lewis's fictional land of Narnia it was always winter but never Christmas.

Talk about sad.


  1. I like Little Drummer Boy and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer always brought much fun when I was a child. I agree with you about the others in your list particularly the Two Front Teeth one. I hated it.

    1. I think “Two Front Teeth” was a hit record for Spike Jones and his orchestra way back when. get particularly irritated by “Little Drummer Boy” because of its sheer works righteousness theology. That is, if I work hard and do my best for Him then He might smile at me, no grace or faith anywhere in the equation. Maybe I am overthinking it. I’ve been told that before. Thank you, Rachel.

  2. I dislike most popular Christmas songs. I find them empty and sentimental.
    I hope you enjoy your Christmas gathering - when it takes place is not really important. We shall be seeing remnants of family over a number of days/weeks. It extends the season.

    1. Hollywood does empty and sentimental very well, and so does Tin Pan Alley, unfortunately. Superficial and insipid also spring to mind too.

      Family gatherings should be places of refuge but some are places of conflict instead. We should count our blessings and be grateful.

  3. Last night (Boxing Day night) I followed a youtube exercise video which was drumming to some of those Christmas songs you dont like.
    I don't love them myself but they were more fun to exercise to than Silent Night.
    Enjoy your family Christmas, we often have ours on the 26th and it still feels like Christmas

    1. According to the liturgical calendar, it is Christmas from Christmas Day until Epiphany (Twelfth Night). Before Christmas it is Advent. You made me laugh at the thought of doing exercises to Silent Night! Thank you, kylie!

  4. I love every song you dislike. Humor has a place too.

    1. I agree that humor has a place. It would probably be more accurate if I said that I do enjoy them a little but I don’t want to hear them played over and over. Thank you, Emma.

    2. Good point. When I was working in retail I heard Christmas in Kllarney until I was ready to commit mayhem. And it is a great song.


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