Below, verbatim, are the words of a commercial currently being run on American television. The speaker is a man about 50 years old sporting a big moustache, dressed in cowboy garb topped off with a big, black, 10-gallon Stetson hat:
"Hi, I'm John Rich, and if you love God, America, and family as much as I do, then mammoth nation dot com is the place to do all of your online shopping, and while you're on mammoth nation, don't forget to order Redneck Riviera whiskey, 100% made right here in the United States of America, and supporting Folds Of Honor. God bless you and God bless America." The commercial ends with a voice-over by a group of females singing "Everybody said, 'Save a horse, ride a cowboy'."
There is only one word to describe the commercial and that word is:
Since 2024 will soon be history, I thought it would be fun to have a quiz of advertising slogans and jingles from days gone by.
1. ________. Ask the man who owns one.
2. ________, the beer that made Milwaukee famous.
3. ________ means fine tobacco.
4. You can trust your car to the man who wears the star, the big red ________ star.
5. M-m-m good, m-m-m good, that's what ________ are, m-m-m good
6. ________, from the land of sky-blue waters.
7. I'd walk a mile for a ________.
8. ________, a little dab'll do ya, ________, you'll look so debonair; ________, the gals'll all pursue ya, they'll love to run their fingers through your hair.
9. You'll wonder where the yellow went when you btush your teeth with ________.
10. See the USA in your ________, America is asking you to call; see the USA in your ________, America's the greatest land of all.
11. ________. Outstanding, and they are mild
12. ________ hits the spot, twelve full ounces, that's a lot: twice as much for a nickel too, ________ is the drink for you.
The correct answers can be found in the first comment. Tell us how well or poorly you did.
If you got 0-4 correct, you are definitely either a millennial or a member of Gen Z. If you got 5-8 correct, you may have watched too much television as a child. If you got 9-12 correct, you are older than dirt.
Hello, world! This blog began on September 28, 2007, and so far nobody has come looking for me with tar and feathers.
On my honor, I will do my best not to bore you. All comments are welcome
as long as your discourse is civil and your language is not blue.
Happy reading, and come back often!
And whether my cup is half full or half empty, fill my cup, Lord.
Copyright 2007 - 2025 by Robert H.Brague
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<b>Put them all together, they spell MOTHER</b>
In alphabetic order, here are the 2-character abbreviations that are recognized by the United States Postal Service (USPS) for the 50 state...
Here are the answers to the quiz:
ReplyDelete1. Packrd (automobile)
2. Schlitz (beer)
3. Lucky Strike (cigarettes)
4. Texaco (gasoline/petrol)
5. Campbell Soups
6. Hamm’s (beer)
7. Camel (cigarettes)
8. Brylcreme
9. Pepsodent
10. Chevrolet (automobile)
11. Pall Mall (cigarettes)
12. Pepsi-Cola
Packrd = Packard.
ReplyDeletePepsodent, only - the rest passed my by!
ReplyDeleteYou are forgiven because you didn’t have commercials on the BBC. I wondered how readers in the UK would do on this quiz. Thank you, Janice!
DeleteI am so old! And I grew up in Schlitz country (also Falstaff). I missed Dinah Shore's big kiss at the end of See The USA...
ReplyDeleteI think I’m a bit older than you but I told myself that you would probably know all the answers. I started to add Dinah’s “Mmm, wah!” but restrained myself. Thank you, Emma!