Monday, December 23, 2024

Something bizarre plus a quiz from the days of auld lang syne

Below, verbatim, are the words of a commercial currently being run on American television. The speaker is a man about 50 years old sporting a big moustache, dressed in cowboy garb topped off with a big, black, 10-gallon Stetson hat:

"Hi, I'm John Rich, and if you love God, America, and family as much as I do, then mammoth nation dot com is the place to do all of your online shopping, and while you're on mammoth nation, don't forget to order Redneck Riviera whiskey, 100% made right here in the United States of America, and supporting Folds Of Honor. God bless you and God bless America." The commercial ends with a voice-over by a group of females singing "Everybody said, 'Save a horse, ride a cowboy'."

There is only one word to describe the commercial and that word is:


Since 2024 will soon be history, I thought it would be fun to have a quiz of advertising slogans and jingles from days gone by.

1. ________. Ask the man who owns one.

2. ________, the beer that made Milwaukee famous.

3. ________ means fine tobacco.

4. You can trust your car to the man who wears the star, the big red ________ star.

5. M-m-m good, m-m-m good, that's what ________ are, m-m-m good

6. ________, from the land of sky-blue waters.

7. I'd walk a mile for a ________.

8. ________, a little dab'll do ya, ________, you'll look so debonair; ________, the gals'll all pursue ya, they'll love to run their fingers through your hair.

9. You'll wonder where the yellow went when you btush your teeth with ________.

10. See the USA in your ________, America is asking you to call; see the USA in your ________, America's the greatest land of all.

11. ________. Outstanding, and they are mild

12. ________ hits the spot, twelve full ounces, that's a lot: twice as much for a nickel too, ________ is the drink for you.

The correct answers can be found in the first comment. Tell us how well or poorly you did.

If you got 0-4 correct, you are definitely either a millennial or a member of Gen Z. If you got 5-8 correct, you may have watched too much television as a child. If you got 9-12 correct, you are older than dirt.


  1. Here are the answers to the quiz:

    1. Packrd (automobile)
    2. Schlitz (beer)
    3. Lucky Strike (cigarettes)
    4. Texaco (gasoline/petrol)
    5. Campbell Soups
    6. Hamm’s (beer)
    7. Camel (cigarettes)
    8. Brylcreme
    9. Pepsodent
    10. Chevrolet (automobile)
    11. Pall Mall (cigarettes)
    12. Pepsi-Cola

  2. Pepsodent, only - the rest passed my by!

    1. You are forgiven because you didn’t have commercials on the BBC. I wondered how readers in the UK would do on this quiz. Thank you, Janice!

  3. I am so old! And I grew up in Schlitz country (also Falstaff). I missed Dinah Shore's big kiss at the end of See The USA...

    1. I think I’m a bit older than you but I told myself that you would probably know all the answers. I started to add Dinah’s “Mmm, wah!” but restrained myself. Thank you, Emma!


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