Monday, November 24, 2008

Award time!

Having just returned with Mrs. RWP from a whirlwind four-day trip to Tampa, Florida, to visit our son’s family, I was catching up on some blog reading last evening when what to my wondering eyes should appear but:

1. A miniature sleigh with eight tiny reindeer.
2. Seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, FIVE GOLD RINGS!
3. Ezio Pinza singing “Some Enchanged Evening” to Mary Martin across a crowded room.
4. An award with my name on it!

The correct answer, class, is 4, an award with my name on it! I discovered that I have been named a Superior Scribbler by none other than Jeannelle of Iowa, not to be confused with Eleanor of Aquitaine, the mother of Richard the Lion-Hearted. Of the six awards this blog has received in its short life, three of them have been from Jeannelle. I am beginning to think she really likes my blog. Here’s the award:

The rules associated with the Superior Scribbler award are:

1. Pass the award on to five (5) deserving bloggers. (More on this below.)
2. Link to the person who gave the award to you. In this instance, that’s Jeanelle, whose fascinating blog about everyday life in Iowa and a few other things as well is called Midlife By Farmlight.
3. Display the award. (I just did.)
4. Link to the blogpost at The Scholastic Scribe that explains the award.
5. Add your own name to the list of recipients at the Scholastic Scribe blogpost and leave a comment.
6. Post these rules on your own blog.

If a Superior Scribbler is anything like a Superior Doodler, I was probably in like Flynn. I have been known to doodle all over a sheet of paper placed in front of me, especially when the person I’m supposed to be listening to is as boring as all get out. I can’t help it; it’s just part of the charm that makes me, well, me. But if the award is meant to recognize the quality of the content of my scribbles, not the quantity, I guess the jury is still out on that one. Nevertheless, I am grateful to Jeannelle for thinking of my blog in her deliberations.

Here are the recipients of my newly-acquired largesse (translation: here are the blogs I have decided to give the award to):

1. The Golden Hill by Sam Gerhardstein, because it is increasingly fascinating. Sam, who lives in Ohio, has had cataract surgery recently and also is a personal friend of one of the astronauts on the space shuttle Endeavor.

2. Ask Dr. Jim, just for fun. Dr. Jim lives near Houston, Texas, and tries to gives serious, well-thought out answers to some pretty quirky questions.

3. Yorkshire Pudding, written by a man in England who has taught school for thirty years. His wife’s name is Shirley and his children are named Ian and Frances, but I have yet to learn his name.

4. My Dad’s A Communist. In spite of its shocking name, this blog is written by a woman named Daphne who lives in England and whose job involves role-playing as a patient to help medical students practice their interviewing techniques. Recently she traveled to Barcelona, Spain, and Paris, France. Tough work, but someone had to do it.

5. The Depp Effect is written by a woman named Jay who also lives in England. She is married to a fellow named Andy and has an inexplicable fascination with actor Johnny Depp.

6. Retirement Rocks is the blog of Ian, who calls himself Silverback. Also English, he spends half the year in England and half the year in Sebring, Florida. Daphne just arrived in America with her husband, Stephen, on her first trip to our fair land, and Ian is showing them Florida.

7. Putz’s blog. It is written by a Mr. Barlow in Utah who has a big family and refers to himself as Putz. I included Putz’s blog because everyone should experience him at least once. His readers love him and cut him a lot of slack to say and do whatever he wants, even though his spelling is inventive and he never corrects typos and his stories can seem a little disconnected. But that’s part of the fun of reading Putz. For a while he didn’t create new posts; he just kept adding to his most recent one. Fortunately, something I said persuaded him to return to a more conventional style of posting. This is blogging without borders. I hereby challenge you to read Putz’s stuff and not judge him based on his spelling, grammar, paragraphing abilities, or lack of any part thereof.

8. All About Whatever is an interesting blog written by Tracie, who calls herself Rosezilla. I envision a cross between Rose Kennedy and Godzilla. Tracie leaves interesting comments on my blog. Tracie lives somewhere near Cape Coral, Florida.

I know, I know, that’s eight, not five. So sue me.

I hope I have introduced you to some new corners of the blogosphere today.


  1. That is a good message..

  2. Gulp (trying to envision Rose "Godzilla" Kennedy) - thank you, I think.

    Actually I do appreciate the award and laughed my head off at the other mental picture. Just for the record, Rosezilla refers to a rosebush I have that has gotten so big that we think it wants to take over the world and my son said he kept Round-Up in his room in case it came for him some night!

    I'm afraid I never follow the award directions properly. My one rebellion. I am also a world-class doodler, and if you saw my handwriting, scribbler fits as well!

  3. hey man, you spoke the complete truth, but i am embarassed by it...any typos, spelling mistakes, or grammer errors?

  4. Thanks Mr Rhymes - for the award. It's nice to make friendly contact like this across the stormy seas of the North Atlantic Ocean.... Georgia on my mind...

  5. Oooh, thank you! And congrats yourself, my good fellow!

    "I have been known to doodle all over a sheet of paper placed in front of me, especially when the person I’m supposed to be listening to is as boring as all get out."

    Hahaha! As have I. ;)

    Putz ... blogging without borders ... dare I visit, I wonder?

  6. Congratulations on the award!
    Awards are nice, thank you for awarding it over to me. I don't work for them, I've had a few on the other blogs but none of them I have posted. I will acknowledge this scribe one on Dr. Jim.
    Thank you again.
    I haven't figured out how to pass it on, I could do it on another blog or incorporate this into an Ask Dr. Jim episode. Probably will do the latter. Except I don't know who most of my 18 or so readers each day are (except for Mr. Putz and you and Ray).
    Oh well, I'll figure it out, I always do, right or wrong.

  7. Yes, rhymsie....I do like your blog very much! Your thinking and writing is definitely of superior quality.

    It was thoughtful of you to pass the award on to more than 5 others. You're rather a rule-bender, evidently!

    May you and Mrs. Rhymsie and your family have a very blessed Thanksgiving!!

  8. Thank you kind sir!

    I will follow the instructions, but it will take a while. I was "tagged" a few weeks ago and still haven't managed to comply with those instructions yet!

  9. Thanks to each one of you -- Dinni, Rosezilla, Ruth, Putz, Yorkshire Pudding, Jay, Jim, Jeannelle, and Sam -- for your comments!


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...