Friday, November 28, 2008

Test Yourself

Don’t worry. I am not going to urge you to check once a month in the shower for lumps in your breasts or in your testicles (and rare is the reader who can do both). No, this is a Bible quiz, sort of.

In these remarks are hidden the names of twenty-four books of the Bible. Yes, there are some that are easy to spot; others are harder to judge. So we admit it usually results in lamentations when we can’t find them. This test is a lulu -- kept me looking so hard for the facts that I missed the revelation.

I was in a jam, especially since not all of the names are capitalized and space separates some of the letters. The truth will come to numbers of you, but to others it will be a real job. To all it will be a most fascinating search. We offer some hints. It helps if you are in a humming mood. One lady said she brews coffee while she puzzles over it. Another tries to hose a part of her lawn. (She may try to josh u a little, too.) My friend Joe looks for a hero -- man’s best friend, but he has a pet ermine, not a dog. (He also keeps alms under a door mat. The weird ideas some have.) If you find all twenty-four in an hour, you’re a real pro. Verbs are not as helpful as nouns. Begin by reviewing the books of the Bible; then happy hunting!

This is how people used to amuse themselves in the days before Rubik's Cube and Sudoku.

Let me know via a comment how many you found! I’ll post the solution in a couple of days.


  1. Good-O! Great puzzle! I found 20 in a relatively short time, but admit I had to get some help from my computer on the last four. Is that cheating?

  2. I've found 20, but my brain is getting tired of it.

  3. I found fifteen on the first sweep. Then I found six more ... but I have things to do now! Maybe I'll see if I can find the rest later. :)

  4. Oh, this will be fun.....I think. Clever idea, there, clever fella. Hope you're having a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!

  5. Ok, I don't have much time, but I've found 19 pretty quickly. I love word puzzles like this! Maybe I'll be back for the other 5 later!

  6. Found 20. Will keep looking. I'm disappointed, though, that all 66 books aren't in here!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Got 'em. Good puzzle. Did you write it? We should all try our hand at writing something like this.

  9. Thanks to everyone who has tried to find all 24 books of the Bible in this post! To answer Jeannelle, NO, I didn't create it. Someone handed it to me about ten years ago on a sheet of paper. I found the sheet the other day in a box and thought it might be interesting to post it on my blog. The copy that was given to me had the words "Hope" and "Plant City, FL" at the bottom, but I don't know where it originated or how old it might be.

  10. P. S. -- I know the Bible has 66 books; what I meant was all 24 of the ones that are in the puzzle!

  11. I just Googled "word find paragraph puzzle" and found this link to two more books of Bible searchs puzzles:

    Hidden Bible Book Names

  12. Jeannelle, these two and the one I posted all seem to be variations of the same puzzle. As Arte Johnson used to say on Laugh-In, "Verrry interrresting!"


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...