Friday, November 14, 2008

Grant Park, Chicago (November 4, 2008)

They began gathering early, and the crowd grew through the evening. And kept growing, and kept growing. By one second after 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, when the polls had just closed in California and the television anchors were falling all over each other trying to be the first to announce that Barack Obama had garnered enough electoral votes to become the new 44th president-elect of the United States, there were thousands upon thousands of people in Grant Park in Chicago.

Above is a stunning photograph of a field of sunflowers, somewhere in France, that was taken by my French blogger friend, Papy Biou. For some reason known only to God, it reminded me of that crowd of well-wishers in Chicago on Election Night, and I wanted to share it with you. Papy recently changed the name of his blog from Le Monde Comme Je L’aime (The world as I love it) to Le Monde de Papy Biou (The world of Papy Biou). You can see more of his beautiful photography by clicking on his blog’s name at “Websites I like to visit” over on the left side of my blog.


  1. I always think sunflowers are such a hopeful image. This one is beautiful.

  2. think its great you could see a connection! Are you an allegorical thinker? (see my post coming up on Sunday.)

    Hopefully, each person/sunflower head in that crowd will spread seeds of goodwill.

  3. Hello, Bob !
    A message for you on my blog...

  4. off topic but I just caught your post at y swordfish...more Brits than you could imagine have very warm feelings towards America...the metropolitan elite of london etc do not represent ordinary folk even though their control of the media makes it seem so.

  5. aren't sunflowers known by most people as WEEDS...i love dandelions farmer neighbor wonders why i have them in my garven instead of carrots, tomatos and corn

  6. ps. i have gone back to my old format on my blog based on your perception of things...i just have such a hard time blogging interesting stuff

  7. Well, they do look like a crowd all focussed in one direction, don't they?

    Lovely photo.

  8. Sorry - 'Anon' is me! Hit send too soon. Again.

  9. I adore sunflowers and this photo is beautiful. Papy does a wonderful job with his photos. Lovely.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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