Saturday, January 10, 2009

Mystery Objects

Anybody care to guess what this is?

Or this?

Or this?

These are all tools of a certain trade. Anybody care to guess who would use them?

I will give you a hint. They have nothing whatever to do with pornography.

The correct answer plus one dollar will entitle you to a double cheeseburger at your local McDonald’s. With extra pickles, even.


  1. Looks a bit like parts from an old fashioned, hand-powered meat grinder. Butcher?

    Very clever, whatever it is. I await the answer.

  2. It's your post that clever, not the whatever-it-is.

  3. I don't have a clue. Something with grinding in the kitchen or the garage????

  4. I have no idea. My husband took a look and takes the wild guess of something to do with spark plugs.

  5. Hey, you should put a link on this blog to your book blog. Or, is there one and I'm not seeing it.

  6. No, not a butcher (Pat), or anything in the kitchen or garage (Sharon) or spark plugs Jeannelle's husband), or a painter (Dr. John)!

    Let's give a few more people the opportunity to play. I will reveal the answer on Monday.

    Jeannelle, the link to Billy Ray Barnwell Here is in my January 8th post, but I may add it to the sidebar for more visibility. Thanks for asking.

  7. Clearly all three items are used by traditional clockmakers. The first is called a Whitaker's Noggin invented by Baltimore based clockmaker R. Henry Whitaker in 1857. The second is a traditional French clockwinder. The third item is a simple cogstopper (half inch gauge). I await my prize with unbridled glee.

  8. Yorkshire Pudding - As Tonto used to say to The Lone Ranger, "Wrong, Kemosabe."

    But extremely clever!

  9. the one on th bottom looks like a HAIR TOOL my daughter has one to take tangles out of hair

  10. Good guess, Putz, but wrong also. If the one on the bottom looks like a Hair Detangler, the one on the top could be a Ponytail Puller, I suppose. I haven't come up with a coiffure-based use for the one in the middle yet!

    Thanks to all of you for participating. I invite everyone to go to my January 12th post for the correct answer!


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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