Friday, January 16, 2009

Who lived here?

I have a black-and-white snapshot of this house taken around 1967 or 1968 and another snapshot, taken closer up, that shows my two oldest children and their two cousins from Florida sitting on the front steps.

I will give you two hints.

Hint #1: The person who lived here is also buried here.
Hint #2: When I took my snapshots, I worked for IBM in Pough-keepsie, New York.

I will throw in two more hints for good measure.

Hint #3: At one time this was one of the most photographed homes in the world.
Hint #4: It is very close to something that has been in the news lately.

Anybody want to take a crack at answering?


  1. The husband of the woman for whom your mother was named. (I'm being cryptic so others can play.)

  2. Oops, that should be for whom your wife was named.

  3. He died on April 12, 1945, when I was in the 5th grade.

  4. They were distant cousins of each other.

  5. Ruth, Pat,, and Jeannelle - Of course, you are right. Your answers provide additional clues.

  6. Is someone going to say it was FDR or not?

  7. in the news lately.. house is on the gaza strip and it must be col. kadaffee's mansion and he died when we bombed him or was that one of his sons who was kille3d in the bombing....not a very good guesser am I

  8. Reamus is right and Putz (David) is, surprise, wrong! Not the Gaza Strip and not Colonel Khadafee or one of his sons. Not even close, LOL!

    Everybody who participated, please see my Jan. 17th post.

  9. Well I arrived her too darn late. But Putz made me laugh anyway.

  10. It's Hyde Park!

    My daughter was at Laguardia when that plane crashed, and I am so happy that she had the good sense to text me about it before I saw the newsflash.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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