Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A picture worth ten million words...

...and one worth ten million more...


  1. Both picture say a great deal about America.
    We move slowly to become what we have dreamed of becoming.
    Today we took a big step.

  2. Fingers genuinely crossed for President Obama.

  3. on my just recent blog i said that a word is worth 10 billion picturees and i stand by that sentament

  4. Thanks for commenting, everyone!

    Dr. John - You said a mouthful.

    Yorkshire Pudding - Thanks for the good wishes sent our way. We need all we can get.

    Putz (David) - I suppose some words are worth a billion pictures (Lincoln's Gettysburg Address) and some pictures are worth a billion words (the Mona Lisa).

    Ruth Hull Chatlien - Hasn't it though? And literally so for the Obamas, the Bushes, the Bidens, and the Cheneys. I noticed the Cheneys weren't moving very far, only to McLean, Virginia. Joe Biden won't have to commute from Delaware any more. (I'm not making light of your comment; it just struck me that it could be taken two ways.)

  5. Great photos! I hope the future holds ten million good words to be said about our new President. I am speaking blessings upon him and his family and our country. May God bless us and unite us all!

  6. Welcome, Junebug! (a.k.a. Terri in Oklahoma). I don't think you have commented here before. I can't take credit for the photos; I think it was the Associated Press (AP). But everyone, and I mean everyone, has "borrowed" them.

  7. I like living in a country where the new leader didn't have to knock off the old leader to get his position, that's for sure!

  8. I love this pics and am excited for our country!

  9. Thanks, Rosezilla (Tracie in Florida) and Barbara (Layla in California, for commenting! Come back often....


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

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