Thursday, January 8, 2009

This picture reminds me of something...

Oh, I know!: The Five Little Peppers And How They Grew! Well, they do have something in common, sort of: the Five Little Peppers lived in a little brown house, and the photo above is of people who lived (or soon will live) in a little white house.

And it reminds me of Rodney King of Los Angeles, California, who said, “Can’t we all just get along?”

And it reminds me of ’N Sync, but I can’t decide whether President Clinton is Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass, or Joey Fatone.

And it reminds me that I live in the greatest nation on the face of the earth (my apologies to all who respectfully disagree).

What does it remind you of?


  1. A doo-wop singing group from the 50s.

    I read Five Little Peppers when I was a girl. I remember how hard they tried to make Mamsie a nice cake and Polly's struggle with eye disease. Loved that book.

  2. I laughed out loud at Ruth's thought. I haven't read that book but now I must.

    When I look at them it looks as though them might break out in ring around the rosy or the hokey pokey any moment.

  3. Like Ruth Hull, I thought I was looking at a boy band or maybe a barbershop quintet... before they launch into their latest hit single - perhaps a remake of Elvis's "Are You Lonesome Tonight?". Any other suitable song suggestions? Take it away Jimmy!

  4. I loved Five Little Peppers... I still have my dog eared copy. And quite honestly, this photo reminds me of why I am so proud to be an American.

  5. Five men who know how to pose for pictures, smile and all.

  6. Reminds me of the Miss America Pageant,or any pageant for that matter...when the judges are taking that final look...;-)

  7. Great answers, everybody! Thanks for your contributions!

  8. that kind of reminds me of a strting lineup for a basketball team


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