Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I will never understand Feedjit

I mean, when I look into its machinations it becomes curiouser and curiouser.

For example, just within the last 24 hours:

Someone in Taichung, T’ai-wan [sic] did a search on westminster abbey cross stitch and landed on this post.

Someone in Hollywood, Florida, did a search on evie chitty miss america and landed on this post.

Someone in Luxembourg did a search on emmy award statue and landed on this post.

Someone in South Shields, South Tyneside in the U.K. did a search on Newt Ascending Astaire’s Face and landed on this post.

Now that is just sad.

What gives, anyway? In The King and I, Yul Brynner sang a song called “Is...A Puzzlement!” and I share his confusion.

But, lo and behold, sometimes everything comes up roses (3:15).

For example, someone in Bayonne, New Jersey, did a search on the lord’s prayer in albanian and actually landed on the Lord’s Prayer in Tosk (Albanian).

And someone in Moscow, Russia, did a search on бенедикт XVI играет на рояле (Russian for benedict XVI plays the piano) and landed here. which though not exactly about Benedict XVI playing the piano does include a photograph of Benedict XVI playing the piano.

And someone in Ashburn, Virginia, did a search on welcome sweet springtime we greet thee in song and landed on “Welcome, sweet Springtime, we greet thee in song!”

So it appears that sometimes Feedjit seems to work as expected and sometimes it simply doesn’t. Sometimes it makes sense and sometimes it just seems to close its eyes and choose targets at random from everything out there in the wild blue cyber-yonder.

Just like real live human beings do.


  1. I have Feedjit on my blog and when I click on the red dots it shows what post the person read, but how do you find out what they were searching? The one that shows that is from my Stat Counter, the number that shows how many page views my blog received – and there are some weird searches.

  2. Vagabonde, on Feedjit Live Traffic Feed, click on "Real-time view" near the bottom, after all the little flags.

  3. Someone in Kanchanaburi, Thailand did a search for "mature gigolos in Canton Georgia" and ended up on your blog and that someone was me - even though I of course have no desire to employ a Georgian gigolo! I just wanted a few tips from a professional.

  4. Yorkshire Pudding, if your profile photo is any indication, you need all the help you can get.

  5. Good grief, I've been known to fidget. However, this "Feedjit" I had no idea about. Guess I'd better "Google" "Feedjit" and probably get sent back to your blog...

    Enjoy the weekend. I'm outta' here.

    Gary :)


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