Friday, October 12, 2018

Two great talents, three if you count conductor Seiji Ozawa

In my continuing effort to bring culture to the masses, here for your musical edification and listening enjoyment are two versions of the same song.

1. Here's Kathleen Battle singing the aria 'O mio bambino cara' from the opera Gianni Schicchi by Puccini (2:09).

2, Here's a chicken playing the aria 'O mio bambino cara' from the opera Gianni Schicchi by Puccini on the piano (2:02).

Which did you enjoy more?

Please note that Miss Battle sang completely from memory and did not require visual promptings of any kind.

Kudos to her. Also to the chicken.

To prove that time definitely marches on, which someone said recently, here are the artists when they were younger:


  1. Kathleen Bsttle has a beautiful expressive voice. The chicken did not hold the notes quite as long as needed and seemed less interested in the emotions of the song.

    1. Emma, you want a chicken that can play the piano and express emotion too? That is a high bar, a very high bar indeed. Next thing you'll be expecting her to lay an egg at the same time.

      Running tally: Kathleen 1, Chicken 0

  2. I'll go with Kathleen, mostly because the chicken will have been wondering where the food is every time it tapped the key. That's how they train them to do it you see.

    Rosie plays the basoon at the weekends for free mind.

    1. With All Consuming's part of England now heard from, the vote is now Kathleen 2, Chicken 0.

      I would pay money to see Rosie play the bassoon.

  3. Replies
    1. Graham, perhaps the better question is 'Why not?'

      I'll put you down as 'Undecided'.

  4. Brilliant. How does the hen know which key to point the laser at?

    1. Adrian, the hen is not pointing a laser at any key, merely pecking at keys that have been magically lit by a force beyond her ken. But you knew that already.

      I'll put you down in favor of the chicken then. Current tally: Kathleen 2, Chicken 1, Undecided 1.


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