Monday, July 13, 2020

Test from phone

Now is the time for all good men to blah blah blah

Well, what do you know! I did it! From my phone! For the first time!

Live and learn, necessity is the mother of invention, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks, and other trite expressions.

Maybe there's hope for the old guy yet.

Maybe we'll all learn to use New Blogger.

Maybe I'd better quit while I'm ahead.


  1. Replies
    1. Kathy, I'm learning one step at a time, line upon line, precept upon precept....

  2. You came through loud and clear kind sir! I hear the new blogger is supposed to be better for use on phones. I read blogs on my phone sometimes but I have not yet tried posting from it.

    1. Bonnie, my problem was not knowing how to create a new post, as on the phone screen there was neither "New Post" nor "Design" at the top right of my blog (which I usually access by entering thymeswithplague dot blogspot dot com). On a hunch I entered and got the new blogger posts page, still no "New Post" anywhere in sight. Then I saw at the botom right of the phone screen the white plus sign in the orangeish-red circle, and "Voila!" I was in. Now I just have to learn and remember what all the new symbols mean. I do notice that the old "Revert to draft" is now "Unpublish" instead.

      I fear there will be many more mountains to climb before I reach the end of this particular journey.

    2. It sounds to me like you are figuring all this out pretty fast. When I first switched to new blogger and tried to make a post I remember searching around for a bit too until I found the plus at the bottom right. I have not even tried to post on my phone and I can see how that could be more challenging. I hope you will get your new glasses back before too long but I guess in the meantime you are learning new skills on your phone!

  3. Well done though good and faithful blogger.

    1. Graham, thank you for the vote of confidence. I know you meant "thou" and not "though" so all's well that ends well.

      I still have a ways to go before I become truly proficient (or even marginally proficient) in the New Blogger.

  4. I often post from my phone but new blogger cannot change the fact that I am using my phone key pad as opposed to my laptop keyboard. If I want to do a long post I still prefer my laptop. Phone is fine for holidays, and short comments and will remain that way, new Blogger or not.

  5. Rachel, my problem at the moment and for the next two weeks is that I can see the phone screen quite well up close without glasses because I am extremely nearsighted, but I cannot see the desktop monitor screen well without glasses because I am extremely nearsigned (but I repeat myself). It has nothing to do with the size of the screen but the distance from my eyes.

    All should be well again when I get my new glasses.

  6. I haven't been brave enough to try blogger on my phone yet. I only learned to text a couple of years ago.

    1. Emma, it's time to make another great leap forward! (I'm assuming it's forward;)


<b>Closed captioning is still cuckoo</b>

We talked in a post not too long ago about the deficiencies of the current state of the art of voice recognition software (VRS) and closed ...