Monday, January 25, 2021

And now for something completely different

While you are waiting for me to put together my long-overdue replies to Graham Edwards and Snowbrush that I promised to do "in my next post" several posts back, please amuse yourselves, every last one of you, by listening to:

A Scottish granny read 'The Wonky Donkey' to her grandchild (4:16)

You won't be sorry. It gets funnier every time I watch it.


  1. Hee haw! I enjoyed that Vaguey Braguey!

  2. That was funny! I love children's books anyway but this one has to make you laugh.

  3. I found the Wonky Donkey in a bookshop a few years ago - and sent a copy to a friend who blogs as the Procrastinating Donkey. Both of us love it.

  4. I've only listened to the song which is fun and a silly play on words. Not to mention a memory test, getting the words in the right order as the verses increase.
    Until I read your post I had no idea there was a book. The baby in the YouTube clip looked totally unimpressed. Maybe it was a bit young for the word set up?

  5. My wife used to be so funny when reading to the kids, doing all the animal voices - e.g. ducks had very stiff mouths. I probably enjoyed it more than the kids.

  6. I read that to my Grandson when he was unable even to speak never mind understand. I did it for myself really although my Grandson did gurgle. It's a wonderful video and reminded me why I love it.

  7. A good laugh to make my day more enjoyable!


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...