Saturday, August 21, 2021

Things Berlitz probably won’t tell you

If you tend to fly off the handle easily and say things you later regret, there are some words you probably ought never to say to anyone. On the other hand, if you don't mind the occasional fist coming in contact with your nose and you happen to find yourself in Germany, either accidentally or on purpose, here is an excellent article from Mental Floss that you may find useful:

"30 Hilarious German Insults You Should Start Using Immediately" .

You'll have to look them up yourself because I'm not going to list them for you like I did a couple of posts back with the 10 words The Simpsons made famous. I will tell you that schweinehund is in there but dummkopf, a particular favorite of my father, is not.

Okay, you twisted my arm. I will list them for you:

1. Arschgeige
2. Bananenbieger
3. Erbsenzähler (also ameisentätowierer)
4. Lustmolch
5. Arsch mit ohren
6. Evolutionsbremse
7. Einzeller
8. Hosenscheißer
9. Dünnbrettbohrer
10. Spargeltarzan
11. Kotzbrocken
12. Heißluftgebläse (also labertasche)
13. Gehirnverweigerer
14. Teletubbyzurückwinker
15. Schluckspecht
16. Stinkstiefel
17. Tratschtante
18. Rotzlöffel
19. Speichellecker
20. Lackaffe
21. Schweinehund
22. Trantüte
23. Backpfeifengesicht
24. Blockflötengesicht
25. Socken-in-sandalen-träger (also sockenschläfer and sockenfalter)
26. Weichei
27. Warmduscher
28. Jeansbügler
29. Tee-trinker
30. Schattenparker

but to find out what they mean, you're simply going to have to click on the link.

I have lost 45 pounds (more than three stones) since 2019, so I am no longer a trantüte but at certain times of year I am guilty of being a sockenschläfer. There might even be one or two others that could be applied to me, but I'm not going to help you with finding those.

I do have it on good authority (himself) that Tasker Dunham is not only a jeansbügler, but he is proud of it.


  1. No I don't! I said I most definitely was not.
    My German insults are all from nineteen-fifties cartoon war stories in children's magazines, such as schnitzel-eaters. I promise to risk the wrath of Meike, Britta and others and use it in my next post.

    1. Well, I might have said I iron them, but I explicitly said I did not iron creases in them. A jeansbügler would definitely iron crease in their jeans.

    2. Tasker, I looked back at the comments on your post of August 1st to make sure, and when I said that my latest jeans were the permanently creased kind, you said, and I quote, “[p]ermanently creased! how lazy.” If that doesn’t strongly imply that you iron creases in your jeans, I’m a monkey’s uncle. To be fair (and explicit), you never said you did or did not iron creases in yours. Let us put this sordid episode behind us and move on.

  2. They are colorful descriptions. My favorite is arsch mit ohren. I'll definitely adopt that one.

  3. Emma, I especially like blockflötengesicht.


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