Wednesday, February 2, 2022

A very pleasant surprise

A ring of the doorbell, a bark of the dog, and a hearty "Heigh-Ho, Silver!" and there stood Jen and Dave from the Homeowners Association on Tuesday around noon. When they told me they were from the HOA, I thought they had come to tell me I needed to add pinestraw to all of my shrubbery beds, but that wasn't why they had come. Instead, they told me that our yard had been selected as Yard of the Month for February! They placed a sign in my yard for all to see and said it would stay there for the entire month.

We have lived here since 2003 and this is the first time our yard has ever been selected.

A feature added to the program this year is that at the end of the year a drawing will be held from all the monthly winners names and the person whose name is drawn will receive 50% off the annual HOA dues for 2023! That would be worth several hundred dollars, so it would be very nice but I'm not holding my breath.

Tuesday was a very pleasant surprise. Yes, it was.


  1. Your house is immaculate! Yard of the month was well deserved and I'll cross my fingers for you in the annual draw.

    1. kylie, thank you! My son reminded me that 40 years ago the house we lived in wss surrounded by hardwood trees -- oak, sweet gum, hickory -- and the yard was always six inches deep in dead leaves. I'm not even exaggerating. It reminded him, he said, that there's always hope. We've come a long way since then. Not having hardwood trees helps a lot!

  2. The straw coloured grass makes such a nice change from the emerald green variety. Congratulations on this success and fingers crossed for the annual draw.

    1. Neil, it's often difficult to tell whether you are being humorous, serious, or accusatory. The 'straw coloured' grass is dormant Bermuda sod. It becomes a beautiful carpet when it greens up. To have a green yard all year 'round in these parts, one has to have put in Fescue or Zoysia.

      Congratulations and fingers duly noted, thanks.

  3. Congratulations. I hope you win the draw.

    1. Red (Keith), I hope so too but it will be the luck of the draw.

  4. Congratulations on the win! Your home is beautiful!

    1. Bonnie, thank you! After 40 years and four other houses, we finally got it right! And it only took 18 more years for the HOA committee to notice! I am reminded of an old pseudo-proverb, probably Buddhist or Hindu: The ox moves slowly, but the earth is patient. (In this regard, the ox is the HOA committee and the earth is the rhymeswithplagues.)


<b>Time marches on</b>

Yesterday was the birthday of Ron Howard, the actor-producer-screenwriter-director who played Opie on The Andy Griffith Show and sang ...