Tuesday, February 15, 2022

When is a photograph not a photograph?

I ran across an article at publicdomainreview.org that I found more than merely interesting. Interesting doesn't begin to describe it. It was bizarre, unique, fascinating, and horrifying all at the same time. It was a glimpse into America's past during the Great Depression of the 1930s and also a glimpse into ourselves, an example of our better angels and our worst demons on display. It should act as an object lesson for the "cancel culture" mindset of the current generation, and a warning flag to us all that it could happen again, eternal vigilance being the price of liberty after all. This man was not a Nazi with a swastika, he was a well-meaning and loyal bureaucrat just doing his job.

I have teased you enough. Read the article, even the comments at the end, and form your own opinion. Perhaps you will think I am over-reacting and that it was no big deal, but I hope you do not.

"The Kept and The Killed"


  1. I'm sory. I started but tat's just too much to plough through at this time of life!

    1. Graham, at least you made an attempt, which is more than anyone else did. That has to count for something. But I don't understand what you mean by 'at this time of life"....


<b>Time marches on</b>

Yesterday was the birthday of Ron Howard, the actor-producer-screenwriter-director who played Opie on The Andy Griffith Show and sang ...