Thursday, March 3, 2022

141 for, 5 against, 34 abstentions

On the U.N. General Assembly's vote on March 2, 2022, to condemn Russia for invading Ukraine, here are the bad guys:
I think (you should excuse the expression) something is rotten in the state of Denmark, because 141 plus 5 plus 34 equals 180 nations and according to what I read today there are 193 member nations in the U.N. General Assembly.

If you don't vote for, and you don't vote against, and you don't abstain, what is left? Perhaps there were 13 nations not present at the meeting? I'm just wondering. Were they playing hookey? Home sick with a cold? Attending Grandma's funeral?

As Yul Brynner once sang in The King and I, "Is... a puzzlement!"

What think you?

The eye-catching chart appeared in the March 3, 2022, edition of the U.S. Sun.


  1. I can't remember a year in my life when we didn't have a war somewhere.
    I'd hazard a guess that some thought it better to stay out of something that doesn't concern them.
    Folk have been leaving Ukraine for a decade or more. Your Democrats have been laundering their ill gotten gains through it.
    I've never had to go there. I worked in Yemen three times that was fun as a civilian.
    These things happen the Pharma industry have had their suck on the teat and now it's the Armament Companies turn. Guess who will be paying.

    1. Adrian, wars and rumors of wars are always with us, it seems. Somehow Yemen and fun do not go together in my mind.

  2. I think many of those countries that abstained are afraid of Putin.

    1. Bonnie, most of them are African and Asian nations, though there ar a few in Central America and one, Bolivia, in South America. Cuba, of course, but I don't know whether Venezuela voted for or was anot present at all. A strange list overall.

  3. It is especially disappointing to me that India couldn't find the moral courage to condemn Russia's invasion. Too many vested interests I guess. Many educated Indians will be appalled by their government's fence-sitting response.

    1. Try thinking. It won't alleviate the disappointment but it may give you an inckling regarding the concept of voting and democracy.

    2. Yorkshire Pudding, it has taken me almost a week to respond to you and I apologize (British, apologise) for that, although my experience has been that you rarely return once you have left your comment. Nevertheless, I have a question. Why is India 'especially disappointing'? Perhaps you are yearning for the days Victoria's empire?

    3. Adrian, you put it a little differently but I think we both had the same reaction to Neil's comment.

  4. I was still thinking over the fact that Joyce Kilmer was a man (who names their son Joyce??) and here you go trying to get us to solve giant political puzzles. I'm afraid I come unequipped to even ponder that. On another note, it's time for you to update your photo of you and the Mrs....2010 was a LONG time ago..... :-)

    1. Pam, the answer to who names their son Joyce is the Kilmers. Back in Mansfield, Texas, 70 years ago (I was but a lad) our local TV repair person was Beverly Bratton, also a guy, and there is George Beverly Shea, of course. And Johnny Cash sang about a boy named Sue. Apparently quite a few (translation: several) people give their sons girls' names.

      I will see what I can find in the way of a new photo. We don't take a lot of pictures.


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