Monday, March 21, 2022

March madness?

Today is the birthday of my maternal grandfather, Nathan Silberman of Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. He died in 1970 when I was 29 and he was 95. Today I am 81 and he would be 147. No one has been that old in a very long time. According to the Book of Genesis, Adam lived 930 years, Noah lived 950 years, Jared lived 962 years, and Methuselah lived 969 years. Compared to them, my grandfather was just a kid.

Three days ago, my own birthday rolled around again. The day, like so many of my birthdays, was a yukky one -- cold, damp, gray, dreary, and full of rain. Weather in the middle of March is very unpredictable, at least around here. One day it is 75°F and the next day it is 20°F, and I am not exaggerating.

The full moon occurred on my birthday this year. March's full moon has a variety of names -- Worm Moon, Eagle Moon, Goose Moon, Crow Comes Back Moon, Sugar Moon, Sap Moon, Wind Strong Moon, Sore Eyes Moon, Lenten Moon -- the list goes on and on.

But this post cannot, as it may win the prize for being the most boring post ever.

Before you go, though, if it were your job to name it, what would you call the March full moon, and why?


  1. Happy Birthday! Other than the weather, I hope you had a wonderful day. I would call the March moon the Spring Moon since it ushers in the early days of Spring.

    1. Bonnie, I like it! Your approach would also cover three other full moons -- Summer Moon (June), Autumn Moon (September), and Winter Moon (December). But I rather like keeping Harvest Moon for September!

  2. Many happy returns.
    Easter Moon as Easter arrives after it.

    1. Adrian, when the full moon occurs before the equinox the term Lenten Moon is used, and when the full moon occurs after the equinox, the term Paschal (or Easter) Moon is used. Them's the rules according to what I read. Since Easter is defined as "the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox" this year's 'Easter Moon' occurs in April, since March's full moon occurred before the vernal equinox. Nice try, though.

    2. It was a close run thing this year.

  3. February is shorter than a lunar month so, presumably, some Marches can have two full moons. I am well known for my lack of original thought so in those months how about March Moon 1 and 2. Otherwise March Moon. Then there is no need to wonder about colour or creatures or anything else. I love simplicity.

    1. Graham, any month with 31 days can have two full moons. Your choice makes common sense but is not extremely inspiring. The Hebrew calendar has a whole extra month of Adar every so often to align their lunar calendar with the solar year. Those months are called Adar 1 and Adar 2.

  4. Belated birthday greetings Bob! I would call the March full moon The Silvery White Round Moon as it is silvery white and round.

  5. You spun a good story about your birthday so I'll just have to wish you a happy birthday!!!

  6. Moon of Anticipation! The rare peeks of sunshine, the beginning of birdsong and frogs singing...the reappearance of bugs and dandelions and the tiny green sprouts that suddenly make their appearance - All of it promising longer, brighter, busy, warmer, sunny outdoor days ahead!

    1. Pam (Hilltop), since there are four seasons there could be four Moons of Anticipation! I would like to read your description of each season and thoroughly enjoyed your description of Spring.

  7. p.s. A most happy belated birthday to you, RWP! While 81 years of life is a gift in itself, I hope you had extra special moments on your birthday as well!

    1. Pam, thank you! Just being able to get up and walk around and breathe and see and smell and taste are special moments enough for me!

  8. Happy belated birthday dear Rhymes! I hope you had a lovely day and evening. I would call the March moon the Hare's Ticker after the March Hare and his watch, for he also represents spring and the full moon marks the ticking on of our lives.

    1. Ruby, an even more belated thank you! Your choice and explanation are very creative, inventive, delightful even.


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