Sunday, March 6, 2022


There are five stages of life (no matter what Shakespeare said about seven ages of man) and at the beginning of each stage we make a great discovery.

The five stages are:

1. Infancy
2, Childhood
3. Youth / young adulthood
4. Middle age
5. Old age

and these are the great discoveries:

1. Toes
2. Bubble gum
3. Sex
4. Arthritis
5. Death

How's that for pontificating? You may have other ideas, like roller skates instead of bubble gum, or drugs/rock-and-roll instead of sex (you're kidding, right?), but this is my blog and I'm the one doing the pontificating. Go write your own post if you have other ideas.

Better yet, let me know your choices in the comments.


  1. I like your discoveries.

    My discoveries in the five stages of life:

    1. Trust
    2. Books (okay, a few were comic books)
    3. Self and independence
    4. Life is not always fair
    5. Time really does go too fast and we had better "use it or lose it"
    in regard to any physical and mental activities!

  2. Bonnie, I like your list. I must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed when I wrote this post. I will say that the words "toys, bubble gum, sex, arthritis, death" sort of sprang to life full-grown from my forehead (like Athena) and this post was the result. Our brains are strange and unpredictable (well, mine is, anyway_. Thank you for commenting. Fewer and fewer people are these days, and I appreciate every single one.


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