Thursday, March 2, 2023

The streak continues

"What streak?" I hear someone asking. Why, the streak of answers on Jeopardy! none of the contestants could answer but that I could:

What is philately?
What is a gaucho?
What is trial by ordeal?
What is Monday?
What is a clatter?
Who is Horatio Hornblower?
What is Pont Neuf?

Monday is the day of the week on which the United States Supreme Court begins its term every October. A clatter is the type of noise mentioned in "A Visit From St. Nicholas".

Full disclosure: I didn't know a single answer in the category "Rappers" in one episode and I also draw a blank most evenngs regarding 21st-century sports heroes, actors, actresses, films, TV series, music, and musicians.

Unfortunately, the century about which I know the most (the 20th) is rapidly receding into life's rear-view mirror and there is nothing you or I or anyone else can do about it.

At some point we ourselves will be only a distant memory to fewer and fewer people, and eventually we all will be completely forgotten.

On that cheery note, I wish you a good day today, a restful night's sleep tonight, and a brighter day tomorrow.

Maybe the next post won't be all about me.

One can only hope.

Memory verse for today: "He must increase, but I must decrease." (John 3:30)

P.S. -- Today is not only Texas Independence Day (from Mexico in 1836) but also my youngest grandson's 22nd birthday.


  1. "He must increase but I must decrease" and in so doing, I become more of me. Its so unusual, it has to be supernatural

    1. kylie, funny how that happens. I suppose the correct theological answer is that the more I get out of the way, the more He can live His life through me.

  2. These Jeopardy answers were fairly easy. Once I was watching Wheel of Fortune with my mother and I guessed the final answer before any letters were revealed. It was Lucille Ball.

    1. Emma, we watch Wheel of Fortune also. I don't know how they choose their contestants, but one day a couple of weeks ago -- I think it was during Teen Week -- one puzzle was completely solved except for one space and the following was displayed: FRE_H TROPICAL FRUIT. The contestant asked for a G. You are to be commended on that Lucille Ball solve.


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...