Saturday, July 27, 2024

Travel Hint No. 17,643

If you are ever staying in a hotel in Stockholm and need to take a taxicab from Strandvägen to Lidingö and you purchased a Swedish-English traveler's phrasebook but you left it in your room and you can't recall how to say "to the right" and "to the left" to the taxi driver who doesn't speak English because he is an older man whose education ended before English was taught in Sweden's schools, just think of Shirley Jones.

Remember her?

Shirley Jones was an American singer-actress who in the movies played Laurie in Oklahoma! and Julie in Carousel and Marian the librarian in The Music Man and on television played Shirley Partridge, mother of her real-life stepson David Cassidy, in The Partridge Family. After she and David's father, Jack Cassidy, were divorced she married comedian Marty Ingels who starred in another television series called I'm Dickens, He's Fenster. You will suddenly remember that the Swedish phrases meanng "to the right" and "to the left" are till höger and till vänster, respectively, and because the ö in höger sounds like the short oo in book or look or hook or crook, and the ä in vänster sounds like the short e in bed or fed or red or wed, suddenly thinking of Shirley Jones's second husband's television series I'm Dickens, He's Fenster will trigger you to recall the similar-sounding near-rhyme till höger, till vänster and you will eventually reach your destination.

However, if you think of Florence Henderson instead of Shirley Jones, you will never make it to Lidingö.

All of this came to me in a flash in the middle of the night when orher insomniacs would be counting sheep.

As you may have concluded, I am not like other insomniacs.

The lesson of this post, which stemmed from a real-life experience of mine back in February 1969, is simply this: When mnemonics are scarce, invent your own.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, Life Goes On

Indeed it does. Accordingly, here are more answers to Jeopardy! clues no one knew during my absence from Blogland:

What is lurk? What is scribble? What is New Jersey? What is hymnology? What is the Casbah? What is the Delaware River? What is Dien Bien Phu? (or, more accurately, Điện Biên Phu.)

It never stops.

For those who care, 48 years have gone by since the USA celebrated its bicentennial (200th) anniversary. In two more years, therefore, its 250th anniversary will occur. Do you know the word for that? Also, in what country is Mount Kilimanjaro? Keep reading.

The word for 250th anniversary is semiquincentennial (literally, half of 500) and Mt. Kilimanjaro is in Tanzania. When one of my grandsons spent a whole summer in southern Kenya several years ago he could see Mt. Kilimanjaro every day from his front yard.

it suddenly occurs to me how well-traveled some of my family members are. They have been to Hungary, the fjords of Norway, the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, Guatemala, Japan, Hawaii, England, Mumbai, Dubai, Kenya, Uganda, Honduras, France, Switzerland. The list goes on and on.

I have been to Alabama several times.

I'm joking, sort of. I have set foot in 38 of our 50 states, I think, plus the District of Columbia (as in Washington, D.C.), as well as Canada (just barely), Mexico (just barely), England, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, Bermuda, and the Bahamas. I remember that enroute from New York City to Copenhagen, the plane flew high over a very snow-covered Scotland, but i have never had the pleasure of stepping foot thereon.

In the lull between my recuperating from having had a cataract removed from my right eye on July 8th and the excited anticipation of having a cataract removed from my left eye on July 29th, Mrs. RWP kept life exciting for us by being hospitalized/hospitalised for three days days and theee nights because of a gallstone. She came home just in time to celebrate her 89th birthday.

I'm back in Blogland for the moment, but I'm going away again. When I return, my left eye will be able to see what my right eye is already seeing. Unfortunately, I will not be flying over Scotland this time, snow-covered or otherwise.

In closing, I think I have managed to kill a hydrangea.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Not just another Saturday

Mrs. RWP and I were binge-watching a few old episodes of Rescue 911, a series from the 1980s and 1990s hosted by William Shatner of Star Trek fame, but we decided to switch over to Fox News to see if anything interesting might have happened on a sleepy summer afternoon.

Former President Donald J. Trump had just been shot in an assassination attempt at a political rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

We were glued to our set for the next six hours.

I am going to make one statement, after which I will not say anything else of a political nature. It infuriates me that even though statements condemning the act were made by former Vice President Mike Pence; U.S. Congressman Steve Scalise (survivor of a shooting/attempted assassination); former President George W. Bush; current third-party Presidential candidate Robert F.Kennedy Jr. (whose own father was assassinated during the 1968 Presidential campaign); and former President Barack Obama, all of them were released before current President Joe Biden got around to saying anything. He also told a reporter that he didn't have enough information to say that it was an assassination attempt.

A final note: Earlier this year he supported ending Secret Service protection for former Presidents, and he prevented RFK Jr. from being provided with any.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Will wonders never cease?

Recent Jeopardy! stumpers include:

What is fondant?
What is Bewitched?
What is Bonanza?
What are the New York Mets?
What is the Atomic Energy Commission?

I'm baaaack (much sooner than I expected to be)!

One of my eyes has been successfully repaired, and it makes a world of difference. I see bright colors now instead of drab shades of grey. Most importantly, I can read text on the computer screen easily again after fearing it was going to fade away altogether. It's like being reborn. The difference is amazing.

My second eye is scheduled to be repaired on July 29th, but until then I can cope. I can do just fine. I just can't drive.

I do not have a third eye.

Not that I'm aware of.

Can you tell I'm downright giddy? You would be too if you had experienced the sudden improvement in vision that I just did on Monday and Tuesday of this week.

I will still have to be fitted for glasses for distance vision. Of the two types of lenses that could have been inserted, I chose to be able to read books, music, newspapers, hymnbooks, etc., without glasses instead of being able to see afar off. I have worn glasses since I was seven years old (except for the 40 years I wore contact lenses between 18 and 58, when I got corneal abrasions and had to stop wearing contact lenses) and it won't be a big deal to still wear glasses when I need to drive a car. I'm driving less and less these days, but I intend to be reading and doing computer work and playing music for some time yet.

This whole transitional period will take two or three months (surgically remove cataract from right eye, post-op exams, surgically remove cataract from left eye, post-op exams, being examined for new prescription for eyeglasses, waiting for new eyeglasses to be made) but I'm ecstatic.

All systems (well, some of them) are GO, and I thank you for your interest!

My dad used to say, "I see," said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and saw.

I know how that blind man felt.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

A probable hiatus looms

Before I get to that, last night's triple-threat stumpers from Jeopardy! were "What is the Organization of American States?" (another mid-twentieth-century one) and "What is cloistered?"

Moving right along....

I wanted to let my vast reading audience (Hi, Emma! Hi, Janice!) know that I will probably not be posting anything on the blog for about six weeks. Removal of a cataract from my right eye (Oculus dexter) and insertion of a new lens is scheduled for Monday, July 8th. It will be blurry vision and dark glasses time for a while, and then just about the time I might be getting back to normal, the removal of a cataract from my left eye (Oculus sinister) and insertion of another new lens is scheduled for Monday, July 29th. But one never knows how one's body will respond. My getting back to normal (or whatever the new normal will be) is anybody's guess.

So I will see you when I see you, and with the new lenses and all, I really will see you.

In the meantime, keep your powder dry, praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, don't take any wooden nickels, and other inappropriate expressions. What I'm really tryiing to say is:


P.S. - A happy Fourth of July (American Independence Day) to all of you.

<b>October ruminations on no particular subject</b>

There are proverbs and then there are proverbs. Here are a few: A stitch in time saves nine. Marry in haste, repent at leisure....