Saturday, July 13, 2024

Not just another Saturday

Mrs. RWP and I were binge-watching a few old episodes of Rescue 911, a series from the 1980s and 1990s hosted by William Shatner of Star Trek fame, but we decided to switch over to Fox News to see if anything interesting might have happened on a sleepy summer afternoon.

Former President Donald J. Trump had just been shot in an assassination attempt at a political rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

We were glued to our set for the next six hours.

I am going to make one statement, after which I will not say anything else of a political nature. It infuriates me that even though statements condemning the act were made by former Vice President Mike Pence; U.S. Congressman Steve Scalise (survivor of a shooting/attempted assassination); former President George W. Bush; current third-party Presidential candidate Robert F.Kennedy Jr. (whose own father was assassinated during the 1968 Presidential campaign); and former President Barack Obama, all of them were released before current President Joe Biden got around to saying anything. He also told a reporter that he didn't have enough information to say that it was an assassination attempt.

A final note: Earlier this year he supported ending Secret Service protection for former Presidents, and he prevented RFK Jr. from being provided with any.


  1. Trump was lucky. Someone in the crowd wasn't and died.

    1. Lucky is not in my vocabulary. It just wasn't his time to leave us . Thank you, Janice.

  2. In the last 50 years approximately 50 heads of state have been assassinated. As a percentage of heads of state who have held office during those 50 years it's probably a relatively small one. However, in civilised societies purporting to be democracies that is wholly unacceptable and simply leads to a breakdown in law and order and makes way for dictatorship.

    1. I could not begin to name them and John F. Kennedy's assassination happened more than 50 years ago. The breakdown in law and order has been accelerating in the U.S. lin recent years. The left, which always tries to claim the moral high ground, has been in the forefront. Lots of bad things happen here with no or very little accountability. Thank you, Graham.

  3. It was more presidential to speak live to the American people about the incident rather than releasing an off-the-cuff social media comment.

    1. Thank you for commenting, Neil. You have always had an opinion on every topic and are never reluctant to express it. I will do what my mother taught me to do, consider the source. Joe Biden is the antithesis of presidential. He does only what other people, chiefly his wife (who reminds me more and more of Eva Peron), tell him to do.

    2. I would like to see the baton being passed to a younger Democrat and in my view it was wrong of President Biden to keep pushing for another term. However, compared with Trump he has more presidential acumen in his little finger than Trump has in his entire being. In my opinion, it is amazing that that boorish blaggard is even being allowed to stand again.

  4. dn't become personal friends with either of them. I am publishing your responses because you are my friend, but I'm not going to let this blog become mired in politics. We will have to agree to disagree, and move on to other topics! Thank you, Neil.


<b> First do no harm (Hippocrates, c.460 - c.370 BCE)</b>

In the previous post, I told you that Mrs. RWP (the lovely Ellie) had suffered several episodes of the rigors (shivering, teeth chattering,...