Thursday, July 4, 2024

A probable hiatus looms

Before I get to that, last night's triple-threat stumpers from Jeopardy! were "What is the Organization of American States?" (another mid-twentieth-century one) and "What is cloistered?"

Moving right along....

I wanted to let my vast reading audience (Hi, Emma! Hi, Janice!) know that I will probably not be posting anything on the blog for about six weeks. Removal of a cataract from my right eye (Oculus dexter) and insertion of a new lens is scheduled for Monday, July 8th. It will be blurry vision and dark glasses time for a while, and then just about the time I might be getting back to normal, the removal of a cataract from my left eye (Oculus sinister) and insertion of another new lens is scheduled for Monday, July 29th. But one never knows how one's body will respond. My getting back to normal (or whatever the new normal will be) is anybody's guess.

So I will see you when I see you, and with the new lenses and all, I really will see you.

In the meantime, keep your powder dry, praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, don't take any wooden nickels, and other inappropriate expressions. What I'm really tryiing to say is:


P.S. - A happy Fourth of July (American Independence Day) to all of you.


  1. I hope all goes smoothly and your new eyes work splendidly.

  2. For some reason I've been unable to comment for a couple of posts but the gremlins seem to have departed in time for me to say I hope it all goes splendidly.

    1. I'm glad the blog gremlins are departed. I hope all goes splendidly as well. Thank you, kylie.

  3. Good luck with your repaired peepers. I have known people who have had the surgery and are thrilled with it. I expect a full report as soon as you are able.

    1. Your comment made me think about Wally Cox as Mr. Peepers on TV way back in the dark ages! I hope to have good news to report. Thank you, Emma.

  4. Replies
    1. Sue, thank you! For the latest info and even more cause for rejoicing, please see my post "Will wonders never cease?"


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...