Saturday, May 18, 2024

I haven’t posted a thing for two weeks

...and it feels like forever. May has been a very busy month this year in our family, with birthdays (2), anniversaries (2), graduations (3 at two different universities), moves (3), holidays (2, although one won't occur for another week or so), visitors from out of state (2), new jobs starting (5 among the grandchildren and their spouses), family dinners (2 so far), doctor appointments (2), medical emergencies (2), and so forth. 'Round and 'round she goes, and where she stops nobody knows.

I'm not complaining, mind you. I love family outings and get-togethers, but it has been a whirlwind of activity lately. We saw our oldest great-grandson this past week and that was a joy. He is 10 months old and a happy, contented child. Another great-grandson is three months old now and still another one is arriving (different family) in August. Today we're going to a restaurant to celebrate, one day early, the 61st anniversary of our wedding. Life is good and time marches on.

Outside the family, the world seems to be falling apart and rapidly going to hell in a handbasket. I suppose it has been ever thus and people in every generation say it, but this time around it seems more possible than ever. Despite usurpers on every hand, the family really is the basic unit of society. Not the school, not the community, not the church, and certainly not the state, much as each would like to be. Please don't try to disabuse me of my notion. Them's my thoughts and I'm sticking to them.

Another post, admittedly short, is in the books. Maybe June will be less hectic than May and I'll have time to think instead of rushing around, but I am not encouraged at the prospects. After all, June has a reputation for busting out all over.


  1. Growing families take up time and energy. My third grandson is 21 today. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary.

  2. It's mind-boggling to think that my children are grandparents. The time passes all to quickly and the little ones are all grown up. Thank you, Janice, for your comment. The time and enerby are worth it.

  3. One or two weeks without posting is common for me.

    1. Two weeks is (are?) an eternity to some bloggers, but at this stage of my existence it is just impossible for me to blog every day. Thank you, Tasker.

  4. The family is the basic unit of society and women are the rebar.
    Sounds like you are all doing very well indeed. I can't imagine being a grandmother, let alone a great grandma!

    1. Women being the rebar is a new one on me, but you are right. The woman is the glue that holds the family together when the man proves turns out to be inadequate or unreliable or absent altogether. Well put, kylie. Thanks for commenting.

  5. You have been missed. I hope the medical problems were small and neither you nor your wife is ill. Glory in your family and to hell with the rest for a few minutes.

    1. The medical problem turned out to be fairly minor but it was scary for a few minutes. Thanks for commenting, Emma. It's nice to know I was missed.

  6. Yes! The family. That's the nucleus of everything, and it was ordained thus by God. Our daughter Erica and her beloved Chad were married in May. She has a May birthday (the 30th of May; she turned 38 this year), and she always wanted to be married in May, and they chose May 4th (May the fourth be with you), and were married on that date in 2018. At her reception we played the song I'll Be With You in Apple Blossom Time, which contains the lyric "Happy the bride the sun shines on in May" ... we have been busy too and it just keeps coming. Looking forward to some big lovely news later this evening, which I will of course share on my blog. xoxo

  7. "I'll be with you in apple blossom time; I'll be with you to change your name to mine, one day in bells will chime, you will be mine, in apple blossom time." The perfect song for May weddings! Thank you, Jenny.


<b>Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, Life Goes On</b>

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