Thursday, May 30, 2024

More you know what from you know where

What is a lob?
What is a Victrola?
What is acetylene?
What is truncate?
What is Romania?

If this is your first foray into The Wonderful World Of Rhymeswithplague, you do not know what all the regular readers know, that the "you know what" mentioned in this post's title are answers phrased in the form of questions to clues that no contestant could answer (but I could) and that the "you know where" is the American television quiz program Jeopardy! which may or may not be somewhat similar to a British programme (see what I did there?) called Pointless.

My own personal opinion (and what other kind would a person have?) after reading what the thoroughly unsubstantiated online encyclopedia Wikipedia says is that Pointless sounds more like a combination of College Bowl and Family Feud with a few more quirky rules thrown in for good measure.

Be that as it may, let us move forward with the post, progress being in the eye of the beholder.

Mrs. RWP (the lovely Ellie) and I didn't do anything special for Memorial Day. We considered driving out to the National Cemetery to see all the grave headstones decorated with American flags, but decided against it because of the likelihood of crowds. We try to avoid crowds. Our daughter and her husband just returned to northern Alabama from a short getaway to Santa Rosa Beach in the Florida panhandle, also referred to in some quarters (not ours) as rhe Redneck Riviera. Our older son and his wife will be heading to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, this weekend. Our younger son and his wife are both working hard at their respecective places of employment, keeping the wolf from the door, so to soeak, although coyotes are more prevalent than wolves hereabouts. We continue to sit at home, avoiding crowds. Occasionally we go to the grocery store or a doctor's appointment or a barber or a church service or a Burger King, but mostly we avoid crowds. Old age has turned into a humdrum existence.

In the first week of June, I am scheduled to receive the bi-monthly injections in both eyeballs (the big word is intravitreous) of a medication called Vabysmo for the treatment and hopefully stabilization of macular degeneration. In the first week of July, I am scheduled to have surgery to remove cataracts from my right eye, and a similar surgery a couple of weeks after that to remove cataracts from my left eye. It's going to be a busy summer.

I hope there won't be crowds,


  1. Just crowds of medics, keeping you safe . . .

    1. How very kind of you to say that! It makes the prospect of crowds seem a little less daunting. Thank you, Janice!

  2. Having anything around my eyes scares me. Good luck with all the procedures.

    1. When I wore glasses I was quite squeamish about my eyes. When I changed and got used to contact lenses, I became a little less squeamish. Still, I was not eager to have needles in my eyes. Now it has gotten to be old hat, having been doing it every couple of months since 2017. My retina doctor who treats my macular degeneration said the cataract surgery should be a piece of cake. Time will tell. Soon it will be all over but the shouting. Thank you, Emma.

  3. Cataracts improve vision greatly. Just make sure that you have someone who is very good at giving eye drops. I had 476 drops.

    1. Wow! My next question has to be "Over how many days?" 476 is a LOT of eyedrops! Thank you for giving me something new to think/worry about, Red!

  4. Ugh RWP, I too despise crowds. I loathe touristy destinations too, because of crowds ... one exception will always be major league ballparks. Can't get enough of those! I'll put up with the crowds there. Good luck with your injections. And not for nothing but I knew all of the "answers" to what you listed above, but I doubt I would have been able to come up with them as quickly or as accurately as you! xoxo

    1. Thanks for commenting, Jenny. I too like major league baseball games but I haven't been to one in years.

  5. The whole screen grays out when I try to comment on your newest post, so I will leave my comment here. I have several times in my blogging career thought it was over, nothing more to say, but it always comes back to me so I hope you'll stay loose and keep in touch through your blog, however infrequently. I enjoy it so very much. God bless Abby and may she have a great deal of quality life ahead of her. Tomorrow is indeed Father's Day, and TG's and my 45th wedding anniversary. We have 45 gorgeous roses given to us by our four children, and a small soirée is planned for tomorrow evening, to celebrate both that occasion, and Father's Day. We were married in Atlanta and on my wedding day I carried a huge bouquet of gardenias picked that morning, dew still on their creamy petals. They are my favorite flower. Speaking of birthdays, our granddaughter Dagny turned ten yesterday, and we fêted her in grand style with a kebab barbecue, and all of the trimmings, plus birthday cake. Hope you all are well! xoxo

    1. It's weird that you can't comment on the newer post but you can comment on this one. I don't pretend to understand how that can happen. Gardenias were my mother's favorite flower also, and I never smell one that I don't think of her. I wish you and TG a very happy 45th anniversary and a belated happy birthday to your granddaughter. Thank you for commenting and for your kind thoughts about my blog, Jenny.


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