Sunday, March 22, 2020

A little post-mortem and Equal time

In the preceding post I listed 50 songs with girls' names in the title (and also in the lyrics, which I forgot to stipulate). After the list I thought of "Helen Had A Steamboat" which made 51. In the comments, Kathy thought of "Annie's Song" by John Denver, but it doesn't include Annie in the lyrics. I thought of "Nita, Juanita" which is from way back in the 19th century but was used during the 1940s and 1950s as the lead-in and sign-off music each day for the radio soap opera Helen Trent. I'm pretty sure Helen didn't have a steamboat. I also thought of "Ramona". Alphie Soup thought of "Ruby Tuesday" and "Cecelia" and "Dinah" (good show, Alphie!) which suddenly brought to mind "Diana" by Paul Anka. All of these bring the total (so far) to 58 if we count "Annie's Song" and 57 if we don't. Quite a collection! Oh, I completely forgot about "Reuben and Rachel". One more and we'll have 60 if we count "Annie's Song".

I think the boys deserve equal time. I'll bet there are not nearly as many songs about boys. There are thousands about Jesus, but let's exclude all but one of those.

1. Sweet Little Jesus Boy

2. Reuben and Rachel

3. Frankie and Johnny

4. When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again

5. Oh, Where Have You Been, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?

6. Hang Down Your Head, Tom Dooley

7. I'm Just Wild About Harry

8. Me And Bobby McGee

9. Jimmy Cracked Corn And I Don't Care

10. Oh, Danny Boy

11. Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho

12. Sam, You Made The Pants Too Long

13. Tall Paul

That’s a baker’s dozen. How many more can you come up with?


  1. Here's my trio.
    Abraham, Martin and John
    Waiting for the Robert E Lee
    Mexican Joe

    There's another one on the edge of my mind but I'm not going to remember it tonight...
    If you want to push the girls a little closer to 60, what about Peggy Sue? I don't think that's been listed.

    1. Alphie, you brought the song title total to 16, but even more impressive is that you managed to get three names in one title!

  2. I don't know whether you have had this but the first song that went through my head, and it is still going through my head, was Paul Anka's Diana.

    1. Rachel, perhaps you thought of it because I mentioned it in the first paragraph of the post? But good on you for thinking of it as your first song, though, it never occurred to me until after my list had reached 50.

  3. A couple more...
    John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
    The ballad of John Henry

    And you listed one of my favorites as my Mom would sing Billy Boy sometimes since my Dad's name was William.

    1. Kathy, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt is one of my favorites! I don't know why I didn't think of it before. Same applies to John Henry. Those are two good ones!

  4. Johnny B. Goode, Chuck Berry
    Hey Jude, The Beatles
    Sweet Baby James, James Taylor

  5. I'm baaaack!

    Me and Julio down by the School Yard
    You can Call me Al
    Xavier Rudd is not my Son

    The last one is a little known Australian song and you will have to listen to it on You Tube to see if it qualifies....
    I think it does but I could be wrong!

    1. Alphie, these are #21, #22, and #23. My mind went blank on boys' name songs.

  6. Bob Dylan used his own name in several songs I seem to recall.
    Father and Son was a song by Cat Stevens
    Johnny B Goode Chuck Berry
    John Daniel Dolly Parton

    Now I'm going to lie down in a darkened room Not difficult today. Whilst the rest of the UK is dry and sunny we have rain and storm force winds.

    1. Graham, Father and Son are titles or relationships rather than names, so they wouldn't qualify. Bonnie mentioned Johnny B Goode in an earlier comment, but John Daniel is #24 in our ever-growing list!

  7. Jesse's Girl is a favorite song of mine. Tom Dooley. There is a song I have always liked, I can't recall the exact title, something like Abraham, Martin and John, about Martin Luther King Jr. and John Kennedy.

  8. Terra, good to see you again. Tom Dooley was #6 in my list in this post, and I think Alphie Soup mentioned Abraham, Martin and John in a comment, if not on this post on my next one. But Jesse's Girl, yes, that's one no one has mentioned before!


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