Friday, March 13, 2020

As if we didn't have enough to worry about there's this.


  1. Wow. That article gives a lot to think about. There are a many situations that I never would have thought of in some of the examples. However, as it is now, I almost feel like the world is already spinning too fast and I just may fall off any day now!

    1. Bonnie, my theory is that we're better off not thinking at all and just living life one day at a time. I don't really think that, but it sounds good, doesn't it?

  2. I actually read the article. I was drawn in. When I eventually arrived at the last paragraph I realised the futility of life, the universe and everything.

  3. Graham, whenever I read unverifiable facts such as Earth's spin is slowing down 3.8 mph every 10,000,000 years it make me want to throw up my hands in despair. Pseudo-scientific articles, they're what's futile.

    What's the answer? Why, 42, of course.

    1. Another devotee? I've always wanted to meet the bovine at the RATEOTU. Anyone who can write a trilogy in 5 parts is suitably off beat in my eyes.


<b>Say what?</b>

The following commercial currently appears on television in the US: "Hi, folks, your buddy John Rich here, and if you love God a...