Monday, March 2, 2020

Having the blahs

The skies are overcast, the day is dreary, and a cold rain is beginning to fall. I am completely uninspired today.

I could tell you that today, March 2nd, is Texas Independence Day but I have done that in other years.

Or I could tell you about the big black dog, probably Labrador, that has been appearing in our yard for the last few days, but I am hoping it will go away. Quietly.

Or I could tell you that my flower beds are in dire need of pinestraw now that spring is almost here, but I don't want to have to think about that right now.

Or I could tell you that it is my youngest grandson's birthday today, that he is 19 and nearly finished his first year at university, but that would be self-indulgent.

I could quote to you from Robert Browning's Song From Pippa Passes and tell you "God's in His heaven; all's right with the world."

But the world at present is reeling from the rapidly spreading threat of the coronavirus; Turkey's President Erdogan is letting all sorts of refugees, Syrian and otherwise, go through his country on their way to Greece and other parts of Europe who don't want them; and Joe Biden just won the Democratic Party primary in South Carolina, so nothing looks hopeful in those areas.

I think I'll go out in the garden and eat worms.

Oh, speaking of food, Mrs. RWP saw an interesting and easy-to-make recipe for soup on an insert in our monthly electric bill. She made it and it is DELICIOUS!

If you must know, it is called "5 can soup" and the ingredients are one can of Progresso ready-to-serve Minestrone soup, one can of black beans (drained and rinsed), one can of whole corn, one can of mixed vegetables, and one can of petite diced tomatoes.

That's it. You mix all the ingredients together in a pot and heat on medium heat until warm. Serve topped with shredded cheddar cheese and sour cream, to taste. It makes about six very hearty-sized servings, so that is three meals for the two of us. I was always good at math.

And that's it. No preparation required other than opening the five cans and remembering to drain and rinse the black beans. Serve with a few saltine crackers and you're set.

Dear God, my blog has been reduced to handing out recipes.

P.S. - The recipe said that adding a tablespoon of salsa in the soup was optional. We opted not to.

P.P.S. - In retrospect, how six cans of ingredients yields only six bowls of soup is beyond me and even a little bit scary, but that is what heppened.

I hope my next post will be a bit more fun, engaging your mind with fascinating subjects, stirring your senses with unexpected delight, provoking your gray matter with new possibilities.

Until then, I bid you a fondue fond adieu.

Now go forth and multiply make soups of your own.


  1. Today has not been a soup making day. Perhaps tomorrow will be. I'm running low. I'm so sad that you've been reduced to forgoing the pleasure of making your own soup ab initio. (just though I'd throw in a bit of Latin to reduce the mundanity). Gosh. The spillchucker actually agrees there is such a word as mundanity. I thought you'd really like to know that a friend has been trying to convince me to buy a soup maker. I don't intend to succumb.

    1. Graham, Mrs. RWP has always made the best Greek Egg Lemon soup (avgolemono) in the world ab initio. She learned how to do it from her mother, and it is not easy. I bow to her superior culinary skills and, apparently, yours.

  2. Hmmm, I don't have much to write about either. I'm glad it is March but that doesn't mean winter is over. At least not where I live for there have been many snows in March in the past.

    Your soup sounds good and I'm all for a meal that is quick and easy. I think I would add that bit of salsa to spice it up a bit.

    We vote in our Democratic Primary on March 10th and I'm still unsure and there are still candidates dropping out. I have not seen the perfect candidate but then one probably does not exist. I will vote and it will be a Democrat whoever I vote for. Georgia has not had their primary yet has it?

    1. Bonnie, my birthay is in March (the 18th) and there have been some doozies, weather-wise.

      Georgia's presidential primary is on March 24th this year, followed by another primary for state, county, and local offices on May 19th. Somebody just wanted to be cantankerous.

  3. Your first six sentences give you six topics to blog about on some other day!

    1. Red, you are undoubtedly right, but don't hold your breath! I don't plan my posts, they just appear full-grown, like Athena did from the forehead of Zeus.

  4. I'd like to take issue with the 5 can soup and the PPS paragraph in your post.
    Don't take it personally Robert, I'm taking issue with most things today.
    It's the way things roll today.
    I'm about to take issue with the spelling of chipolte ( I would spell it chipotle) with the cafe manager.
    You may never have another comment from me, I may not make it past the dumpster at the rear of the cafe....
    Over to you and the 5 can soup and the PPS.
    Have a nice day.

    1. Alphie Soup, you are absolutely correct to take issue with the PPS since on rereading it I see that I said six cans instead of five. It is not my intent to confuse my readers, but some days it is an added unexpected gift.

      I have never seen chipotle spelled chipolte, but there's a first time for everything.

      Many thanks for the catch. You were paying attention. Roger, over, and out.

  5. Your post made me laugh. Thank you!
    And I like recipes since I am tired of thinking of something to cook.
    Happy belated birthday to your grandson. I hope he has enjoyed his first year of college.

    1. Kathy, if one reader out of my vast reading audience (around five) laughs, it makes my day/week/month/year. I am easily encouraged.

    1. Open can of Heinz baked beans.
    2. Heat the beans in a pan or microwave.
    3. Toast bread.
    4. Butter toast.
    5. Put toast on plate.
    6. Put baked beans on the toast.
    7. Eat the beans on toast.
    P.S. Best accompaniment is a mug of tea - or coffee if you prefer.
    P.P.S. Bone appetit!


<b>I, Don[ald J.Trump] Quixote </b>

Dear Reader, Enclosed please find for your consideration and entertainment a completely unauthorized ramble through the gray matter o...